Management Team
Chief Executive Officer
Loves all things food and people | CEO at Work only | Over 3,000 people call him Dad | Focused on driving efficiency, customer happiness, employee creativity and preserving a unique company culture | Born a Lebanese and married an American and co-created 3 perfect daughters | Mentor | Coffee-Drinker, reader addict, author and a hopeless juggler.
Vice President - Finance
Master at number crunching | No easy sell with this guardian of the dough| Thinks running a marathon is fun |Gung Ho for charity work | Completed his MBA with an emphasis in fantasy cricket.
Corporate Chef
From Lawyer to farmer to fisherman to Chef, meet the man trying to feed the world …. 43 million meals and counting… | Passionate Professor of knowledge and author | Loves Thai food and working in his spare time | Ranked 5th in the Caterer Middle East Power Top 50 Chefs list 2015.
Vice President - Operations
Bald, calm & ambitious | Wears an infectious smile | Involved in all business sectors | Grand Master of delighting customers | Never says no | Married to his iPhone | Respected teacher & team promotor | Avid travel aficionado
Asst. Vice President - Purchasing
Known for his keen attention to detail| Tasked with ensuring that millions of people are fed each year | Football fanatic and franticly building team ReAli Madrid.
Asst. Vice President – Business Development
Energetic and Strong negotiator, Fueled by his passion to turn information into action | Believes key to success is building strong relationships, Loves meeting people from all walks of life, health and fitness fanatic, when not working you’ll find him at the gym | Football and Coffee makes life better, Will always tell you “if opportunity doesn’t knock build a door”
Asst. Vice President – Operations
From aspiring IT techie to chef, inspired by his father's culinary flair | Cricket enthusiast, detail-oriented in finances and Flavors | Constantly exploring new food technology and equipment.
Senior Manager - IT
Corporate Nutrition Manager
Nutritionist with over three decades of experience in changing mindsets| Master of all things food and diet | Regular keynote speaker, presenter, and columnist | Mother of three teenagers and survived | Compulsive Reader
Executive Chef
Senior Manager - Operations
Asst. Vice President – Operations
Charming and tactful negotiator | Energetic and passionate trainer| Husband, Father and a hopeless golfer| Always has the perfect suntan
Senior Manager - HR
Senior Manager – Food Safety
Known as the guardian of Food Safety| A no nonsense and highly respected individual when it comes to surpassing the highest industry standards |Microbes fret seeing her
Customer Relations Manager
Outstanding level of customer service and exceptional communicator | Proud Emirati | Always up to date with the latest cultural trends | Excellent advisor and coordinator on social and community activities